Output 4

Community of Practice (CoP)

To fight the feeling of isolation among LSP teachers and their lack of institutional and pedagogical support, as identified in Output 1, the CATAPULT consortium has developed an online environment that enables European LSP teachers to become part of an online community of practice (CoP). After reviewing existing platforms, two innovative platforms were developed and tested: the CATAPULT ecosystem now includes LinguaCoP, which comprises forums, blogs and a shared teaching resource repository, and LinguaClick, a matching tool which enables LSP teachers and potential employers to connect.

Watch the short presentation video below to find out more… and become a member of our online Community of Practice!

Take a sneek peak at LinguaCoP below, or go straight to the platform:

Register FOR FREE here: https://linguacop.eu/register/

O4A5 – Sustainability Plan
O4A5 – Sustainability Plan

Download the project’s Sustainability Plan for output 4 (Community of Practice platform). It defines a procedure to ensure the sustainability of one of the key outputs of the project, the CoP platform, after the end of the project.

Version: 1.0